
الشروط العامة و الأحكام

Tor Global Travel, S.L.U. with registered offices in Glorieta de Quevedo, 9, 28015, Madrid Spain and Tax ID Number (CIF) B76122639

Onlinetravel, a brand owned by Tor Global Travel, S.L.U., informs that personal data collected from this website will be treated according to the demands established by Spanish Organic Law Act 3/2018, of December 5, on Personal Data Protection and digital rights guarantee, and with absolute respect to the rights of data owners.

The collected data through this website's forms will be used to mamage the requested services by the users and to look after, if necessary, their queries.

With this in mind data will be introduced onto the Onlinetravel folders and will, at all times, treated according the data protection laws. In no case whatsoever will they be given out to third parties without previous consent from those interested, except in cases legally previewed. Onlinetravel informs that, in order to exercise their access rights, or revise and cancel data, owners may contact: Tor Global Travel, S.L.U., Glorieta de Quevedo 9, 28015, Madrid, or by forwarding an email to [email protected]

The information contained on this site is the lawfully updated one on the date of last usage, and must be considered as users' introductory information, related to services and other type of information incorporated in its pages.

Onlinetravel will be able to modify, at any moment, the terms of the current Legal Note, publishing the updated version at https://www.onlinetravel.ae with no need of previous notification to users.

All the information or the information gathering process contained at the https://www.onlinetravel.ae domain, such as the same gathering of information, the graphic design, font code, commercial names, denominations, among other distinctive signs, are subject to Onlinetravel's intellectual and industrial property rights or those of third parties.

Last updated performed in Madrid, on October 23, 2018